Who are we? PRD!
Photog Cred: Nix Starling {ManeFrame} and Sheracuda
We’re Peninsula Roller Derby and we’re excited to share a list of the folks that make our league what it is: ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.
Aggrodite, 26 ~ Ashley Gurak, 481 ~ Atomic Bombshell, 17 ~ Betta RecognKnives, 11 ~ Bonny Bones, # ~ Chem Fatale, 200
Cypress, 80 ~ Demoraliza, 480 ~ Dirty Thirty, 1030 ~ Domino Meaux, 4292 ~ Fallen/ing Leif, 618 ~ Grauer Power, 303
Green Eggs & Slam, # ~ Hannah Morley, 820 ~ Hieronymus Bash, 29 ~ Hot Toady, 89 ~ IDICulous Fun, 6 ~ Inque Cognito, 151
Iron Maam, 5 ~ Jamma Ray, 488 ~ Jane Scare, 90 ~ Kelly, # ~ Kernel, 8 ~ Killmore Girls, 555 ~ Led Gremlin, 19
Low Down Derby Shame, 4864 ~ Luna Eclipse, 720 ~ Marie Fury, 37 ~ Maul Rat, 72 ~ Metanoia, 111 ~ Miss Fire, 31
Panic! at the Derby, 22 ~ Pax Punches, 808 ~ Powerpuff, 135 ~ Princess Peachka, 418 ~ Roary Racket, 415 ~ Sally Pride, 207
Samwise Banshee, 1 ~ Scroll Block, 255 ~ Sekka Shark, 13 ~ Shanpagne, 817 ~ Sheracuda, 4 ~ Shurblock Holmes, 221
Silly Goose, 62 ~ Splat Benatar, 926 ~ Sybil Disobedience, 404 ~ Tifa Knoxhard, 9999 ~ T-M.A.G.num, 395
Toasty, 7 ~ Tristan Shout, 1964 ~ Woody Hurrelson, 010 ~ Wrecks, 37
Sinnabar ~ McNeil B4 Me ~ Hug Life ~ Razor
Officials and NSOs
Sylvester Shalom, Cynful Prowler, Offish'elle, Ms. Sinn, Interfearon
Photographer: {ManeFrame}🦄⚡- 2969
How lucky are we to have such a cool group of people as part of our organization?! SUPER LUCKY. #stoked