Comfort Zone by Jamma Ray #488

When I turned eight, my dad gave me a birthday card with a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt: “Do one thing every day that scares you”. Twenty years later, I still need this advice. I tend to be a risk-adverse, anxious, safety-seeking creature of habit. Trying new things is a nerve-wracking experience: “What ifs” swirl around my head, twisting up my stomach. What if I make an embarrassing mistake? What if I get hurt? What if I look like I don’t know what I’m doing?

These thoughts pounded through my skull as I entered the “info night” for my local roller derby team in LA. Why was I even here? I had no idea how to skate. I didn’t even know anyone who played derby. All I knew is I needed something new in my life. I sat down, and my skate journey began. I took meticulous notes on what I needed to do to get started, a coping mechanism for approaching the unknown. I bought my gear. I watched YouTube videos for how to put on kneepads. I scoured google images for the correct way to attach toe guards (spoiler: there isn’t one). I re-fitted my mouth guard four times. I was ready for my first practice.

Finding the will to jump into something new was the hardest step. Everything after my first nerve-wracking practice started to fall into place. I still didn’t know how to skate, but I was able to stand up on my wheels and moved forward. I was learning how to fall properly and how to stop. I was making mistakes, but so was everyone else; It was a learning environment. I was surrounded by strong, welcoming people from all walks of life.

Only a month after I joined my LA team, COVID hit and the derby team stopped practicing. But by this time, I had caught the skate bug. I started skating in my house, gaining confidence. I finally built up the nerve to skate outside in public(!!). I looked like I didn’t know what I was doing. I got hurt (road rash, anyone?). I made embarrassing mistakes in front of people. But each day I went out, I got better. Each time I rolled down the paved beachside path, I experienced the world in a completely different, incredible way. I soaked up the SoCal sun, recruited friends to skate with me, felt the strength in my legs and the wind in my hair. I was loving it.

Then I moved to the Bay Area and began searching for local teams. By this point, I’d been skating outdoors for a year and had taught myself a few fun tricks and transitions, but still had no clue what derby was about. I found that Peninsula Roller Derby (PRD) practiced nearby, and I emailed to join. I felt the familiar “what ifs” knocking around my head on my way to the first PRD practice, but this time a buzz of excitement was also coursing through me, muting the anxiety.

Now, half a year into derby, I have gained skills and confidence on the track, a basic understanding of the game, a desire to learn more about the sport, and an incredible community of people who support their teammates and dedicate each practice to learning, improving, and growing as people and skaters. The skate bug has turned into skate love!

Yet even now in derby, I am continually challenged with trying new things. Each new drill, open scrimmages, volunteering for committees, the whirlwind experience of a bout—all of these are openings for my anxiety to stab “what ifs” into my head. But something has changed. My “what ifs” have changed.

What if you had fun? What if you found an incredible community? What if you found a sport you loved? What if you discovered you loved to challenge yourself? And, most importantly:

What if you did something every day that scares you?

Jamma Ray is one of our Comet jammers. She is talented, driven, and always has a great attitude. The PRD family is delighted she chose us! - Cuda

Navigating Roller Derby & COVID by Coach Sinna

I won’t lie, it hasn’t been easy trying to play roller derby in the midst of a global pandemic. It takes work, patience, and flexibility. So how do we do it? Here’s what PRD has been doing to keep practices safe and meet the needs of everyone in the league.

  • Weekly COVID numbers check - Every Tuesday I check the % positive tests and the average # of daily cases over the last 7 days. I send out tables and charts to PRD, BAD and CDG (which covers most of the Bay Area leagues).

  • If the % positive tests goes above 7% we revert back to non-contact practices until the numbers start to come back down. This helps ensure, while there is an increase in transmission locally, that it doesn’t happen at practice.

  • We require all participants to be up to date on vaccinations - this includes boosters.

  • We require masking indoors and outdoors. While most of our skaters over the summer felt safe without masks at our outdoor practices, we had a few that were more comfortable masking and so we maintained it for the whole league to make sure we were creating an environment that was safe for everyone. 

  • We require good masking protocols. No bandanas or gaiters can be worn as masks, masks should fit snugly against the face. We require at least cloth or surgical masks. During increased caseloads we strongly recommend N95/KN95/KF94 masks to also help protect the wearer

  • We have a strict do not come to practice if sick policy. Regardless if it’s COVID or the common cold, no one wants to be exposed to illness. 

  • If a skater has been exposed to COVID or has symptoms we ask that they follow the CDC guidelines and they test negative before returning to practice.

While this may seem like a lot, we’ve had a great group to help us navigate through all the requirements and a team that has been flexible to the changing conditions. We’ve had lots of fun practicing and it’s totally been worth it. Looking forward to a time when we don’t have to track COVID numbers but thankful to have precautions we can take to protect our team and be able to practice together.

Going to play roller derby? It's all about protection… by Sheracuda

As the start of 2021 derby life approaches, it’s important to make sure you have the right gear to skate safely!

Helmet - #protectyourbrain

Number 1 on the important MUST HAVE list!!! You may be asking yourself, "can’t I just buy any helmet?" NOPE. Flashback: Nine years ago, one year before I started roller derby, I attended my niece’s birthday party at our local roller rink. I was wearing just skates because that’s all I ever skated with since I was young. A kid fell in front of me and instead of falling on top of him, I tried jumping over him. Naturally, I had zero skill in jumping and I fell HARD. I fell so hard the DJ heard my head hit the floor over the loud music. I had a concussion that lasted 6 weeks. I’ll never skate again without a helmet. I only buy S1 helmets and think they’re worth the money for something that will protect my brain.

The 3 brands top-rated brands are:


Triple 8  


How to measure your head for a helmet 

Helmet ratings

Mouth Guard

This is my number 2 favorite protective piece. Mostly because my dad is a dentist, so I need to protect my teefs or I’ll get disowned.

There are several mouth guards on the market, but I really like SISU. They’re slim, easy to mold to your mouth, lets you breathe, talk, and drink with it on. Traditional mouth guards (I tried one my first month of boot camp) can be difficult to breathe, talk, and drink. They are also too bulky, IMO. See the different styles of mouth guards here.

Pads: Knee, Elbow, Wrist

When learning the ins and outs of roller derby, we teach you proper derby stance, drills, and mostly: how to fall. What helps reduce the risk of bone breaks? PROTECTIVE PADS. Starting out, I recommend a combo pack. Brands I’ve used and liked: 187 Killer Pads, Smith Scabs, Triple 8, TSG

There are lots of options when choosing pads: Low profile? Easy to put on? Cool colors? Take the time to measure your body parts so you get the best fit. Feel free to reach out to ask what pads people use and why. #safetyfirst

Next time we’ll talk about how to keep your gear “clean and fresh”. HAHA, ew…. #somuchstank

#GOTOPRACTICE by Low Down Derby Shame

I love roller derby. I LOVE IT. Capital L, Capital O, Capital V, Capital E, LOVE!!! I love practicing roller derby, I love playing roller derby, I love watching roller derby, and I love talking about roller derby. 

Full disclosure – I'm a mediocre player. I know this – but I love the sport and I truly believe roller derby is for everyone. I think it's important to mention that because I don't want anyone thinking that this blog post is from someone who is at the top of their game and is belittling those who skate at different levels. I am one of you. I play this sport to compete and for fun. I have gotten a tremendous amount of strength and confidence from participating in roller derby. I wish this sport had found me sooner. 

There is one important message that I have for anyone from beginners to the most experienced... GO  TO PRACTICE!!!!!! 



Once more for the people in the back!! 


This has been my mantra for years. People ask - “How do I get better at X?” or “I'm not understanding how play X works,” or “how do we get people on the team more cohesive on the track?” The answer to all of it is simple...GO TO PRACTICE. 

Now, I have heard a lot of excuses on why people can't go to practice and some are valid – work,  school, injuries or illness, and family all take priority over roller derby. We only have so many hours in the day and how you take care of yourself and your loved ones is important. But those are typically not the reasons given. Most of the time as a coach/trainer I hear “I'm not feeling it,” or “I totally forgot what time,” or even “I already worked out today.” These are frustrating for so many reasons. Trainers and coaches put a lot of time and energy to create practice plans that will make the team stronger and smarter on the track. It's incredibly disheartening when these excuses come up. But I will try not to focus on the negative – instead, I want to share with you why you should GO TO PRACTICE. So here is my list of reasons why you should never skip a practice. 

Reason #1 – Perfecting the basics makes you better. 

A complaint I sometimes hear is that practice would be more fun if we practiced more complicated things. That's fair – It's not fun to just work on the minimum skills day and day out. How much practice does someone need for a plow stop?

Except....that you need a ton of practice. There is a saying that to become an expert in a field you must  practice 10,000 hours. While that is a simplification, the point is that you do need to practice and the basics are the best place to start. I think about how many complex skills are based on the plow stop. The understanding and muscle memory you need to perform these skills only come from many hours of practice. Any minimum skill can be adjusted to a higher intensity, faster speed, or a longer distance. If you need a challenge, then speak up – your coaches will know how to challenge you! 

Michael Jordan once said, “You can practice shooting eight hours a day, but if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way. Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.” So go to practice! Learn the basics! Build off the basics! Don't ever get it in your head that you are above the minimum skills and that those skills are not worth your time. 

Reason #2 – Your team suffers without your participation. 

Have you watched “Ted Lasso”? You should. That show is one of the most positive shows I have ever  seen and Jason Sudeikis is adorable. One of my favorite scenes is when one of the particularly gifted players decides to feign an injury to get out of practice. Coach Lasso is not happy and unleashes an epic rant that brings the point home

Just like their soccer club, roller derby is a team sport and requires a team to work together. The best blocker walls I have ever been in did not always have the most talented players. They contained the players who came to practice. I would spend hours practicing drills and plays. I learned that one teammate preferred the middle and she learned I liked the outside line. This saves time during our 30-seconds between jams to strategize and not argue over who goes in what position. I learned that one of my teammates who braced used her eyes to communicate where the jammer was coming from. I would watch her face and we almost always caught the opposing jammer. Imagine how many jammers would get by a wall if you were not privy to that information. Another blocker liked to chase the jammer and was very good at catching so when the jammer escaped I would be ready to bridge. How many penalties would result if my teammate was expecting a bridge and we all reformed without them? I learned how different jammers communicated their intentions so I could get out of their way or be prepared for them to use me as a human shield. There is nothing more heartbreaking than your teammate standing in the way of your points. 

The track is chaos when people don't practice together. I have shared the track with some great players who were a liability on the track. This is a TEAM sport. Working together is critical. Communication and teamwork only develop at practice. When you have someone who thinks that is above it all, your  team will suffer. 

Reason #3 – Newer skaters benefit from your experience. 

My very first team had a lot of rules for freshies. I didn't mind. I wanted to learn. I showed up to every league event and helped in every way I could. Participating as an NSO was invaluable to me in learning how the game was played. I would come to practices and occasionally get pulled out of higher-level gameplay and asked to time drills or do other tasks. It was fine. I was soaking in all of it. I was at every practice and every game. Then came the first freshie league scrimmage. It was just the players with less than two years' experience. I fully expected to see all my teammates volunteering and cheering us on. I was in for a rude awakening. Not a single seasoned vet from my team showed up, just the new skaters. 

The message it sent was a hard one and has stuck with me. 

So, now when I hear players complain about practice, especially practices that are announced to be at a more basic level, I get a little heated. I remember what it was like and I will never treat another new player like my freshie teammates and I were treated. New players need our experience. They need our words of encouragement. They need to know that their struggles are real, valid, and worthy of our concern. They need to see experienced skaters building each other up. They need to see us struggling. They need to see us present. How can we build a team of dedicated players if the players we have don't show up? 

Reason #4 – Skating makes you a better skater. 

You can't solve an algebra equation by chewing gum. And you can't get better at roller derby by playing other sports. Skating makes you a better skater. Not running marathons, not HIIT, not triathlons, not lifting weights, not hockey, not baseball, not rugby, not CrossFit, not aerobics, not running on a treadmill or elliptical, not walking, not swimming, not Pilates, not Zumba, not Kangoo, not Jazzercise, and not (insert whatever else that isn't roller derby). 

I like trail skating, weight lifting, taking walks, and I recently learned that I enjoy yoga. These are all beneficial to my health and I encourage people to continue to cross-train in any way they enjoy. There are a ton of great activities that I listed above. All great for cross-training and building a better athlete. But what is the best thing you can do to be a better roller derby player? Practice roller derby. 

Skating makes you better at skating. Going to roller derby practice makes you better at roller derby. So my message is simple – GO TO PRACTICE! GO TO PRACTICE! GO TO PRACTICE! One last thing – GO TO PRACTICE!!!!!! 

#gotopractice #whenindoubtgotopractice #wetalkinaboutpractice #thankyoutedlasso #practicepracticepractice #itsallpractice #practicemakesprogress #progressnotperfection #mygirllikestopracticeallthetime  #practicecalling #hellopracticemyoldfriend #shetookthemidnighttraintopractice #practicelikeahurricane #sweetpracticeomine

“Do you get to elbow people? Do you wear fishnet stockings? Are there crazy brawls?” by Sheracuda

My least favorite questions when people find out I play roller derby. Sure, I realize that most people who are asking those dreaded questions are from the era when roller derby was more like how Wrestlemania is today. I take that as a chance for a “learning opportunity” as my teacher friends call it. The weirdest part: when I say we don’t do those things, they stop listening. C’est la vie. But since you’re still reading, I’ll give you the quick rundown. We skate flat track roller derby, not banked track. Don’t get me wrong, banked track roller derby is just as action packed, intense, and physical - it’s just different from what we play. If you want to see exciting banked track action and more of the old school roller derby, check out the San Francisco Bay Bombers or Texas Roller Derby! You will not be disappointed!

Roller derby has come a long way and is ever evolving. That’s what I like about the sport. I also appreciate that it is inclusive of folks of all shapes, sizes, and ages. I started when I was 41. I was at the Redwood Roller Rink at my niece’s birthday party in 2012. I saw a flyer and thought “Yup. I need to do that.” I didn’t even Google it. I just signed up on the spot. #noregrets! Oh how I wish it was around when I was a kid! It would’ve been so fun to turn my then hobby of roller skating into sport! (Shout out to our very own Peninsula Junior Derby!) #PJD

My entire life I’ve been sporty and on the larger side. Growing up I hated my body and hated that I didn’t look like my thin friends. Cut to now, and while I’m still big, I’m strong, athletic, and proud of what my body does for me on the track. I’m able to create holes off the line for my jammer, brace with my other blockers and create stability, and hip-check pretty hard. Now, at 49 I’m still loving every part of roller derby (RIP “2020 lost season”) and I’m so excited to start practicing again.

My point: DON’T LET AGE OR SHAPE STOP YOU FROM TRYING SOMETHING NEW AND EXCITING! I skate with people who never played a sport in their life and with people who actively run marathons and spartan races. Here’s a secret about me: I. Don’t. Run. (Not unless a scary clown is chasing me with a knife.) I choose other methods for exercise and we, as a league, encourage each other to focus on fitness over body image.  

We’re excited to share roller derby with all people and hope you’ll join us!

#peninsularollerderby #ageisjustanumber #sizedoesnotmatter #playrollerderby

Are you ready to skate?! Meet our Coach!

Hi, I’m Coach Sinna!

Welcome everyone to the 2021 season! Numbers are looking good, vaccines are working, it looks like we’re going to be able to skate this year. I’ve got a Return to Play Plan ready and me and Kage (Head of Training) are working on practice plans adjusted to work with the new WFTDA This is Roller Derby training. Realistically, I don’t see inter-league competition happening this year, but I do think we’ll get to intra-league scrimmaging.

Things I’m looking for from skaters:

  • Teamwork and Commitment! - It’s really important on and off the track to be supportive of each other. 

  • Can Do Attitudes - Very few skaters are natural talents at the sport of roller derby. It takes a lot of work and practice to master a skill. Try to refrain from saying you can’t get a skill down. With enough practice it will eventually click. 

  • Coachability - Ability to take feedback and make adjustments to how you skate/play is important.

What skaters can expect from me:

  • Positive Support - I’m not a drill sergeant. I like to keep things positive. Derby should be fun!

  • Practice Plans - I’ll send out the practice plans each week. This way skaters can mentally prepare before practice and maybe even work on things individually that they need extra time on. I’ll try to make sure practice plans build on each other so that as the season progresses, skaters will be advancing in skills and scenario drills. 

  • Regular Feedback - I will offer regular feedback and things to improve on. I will always try to offer a solution on how to adjust your skating to accomplish the goal.

I’m super excited to resume practices this year. If you’re new to roller derby, sign up and join our PRD Potentials page on Facebook. This is an excellent time to join us!

Advice for New Skaters: Do Try This at Home

A new skater tells me, “I'm always looking for things I can do on my own to improve my skating, especially things that can be done in an apartment/small space or even off skates.”  There are so many simple things you can do at home to continue honing your derby skills.  Here are a few ideas:

Balance and agility drills

Because we always skate counter-clockwise in derby, if you don’t already have them, you’ll soon develop imbalances between your right and left side.  Why is this a big deal?  Partly because imbalances keep your weak side weak, and partly because imbalances make you more prone to injury as your body attempts to overcompensate for them.  So the next time you’re skating around on all-eights in a pace line carving those imbalances even more deeply into your physique, vow to spend some time doing some of these single-leg exercises to help correct them:

Imbalances aside, it’s important to work on your balance both on and off skates.  A quick google search will turn up a ton of balance and agility exercises you can do at home.  A couple of easy things I’ve tried in the past include:

  • Do arm exercises like bicep curls or overhead presses while standing on a bosu trainer or a half foam roller.  Now you’re doing a balance workout and an upper body workout at the same time. Efficiency!
  • Draw an agility ladder outside with sidewalk chalk.  Do your ladder drills both off-skates and on-skates.

Core Strength

You probably already know that a strong core is super-important for balance and stability on skates, but you might not realize the role a strong core plays in injury prevention.  I once had a hip injury that kept me off-skates for a year.  The physical therapist who treated me said it was the result of a hip imbalance (ahem, see single-leg exercises above), and recommended specific core exercises to strengthen the transverse abdominis, a muscle that stabilizes the hips.  And if there’s any body part that takes a beating in roller derby, it’s the hips. In addition to the crunch variations and planks and glute bridges that were already part of my core-strengthening repertoire (and which you can also do at home), my physical therapist recommended doing this foundation training video or taking a pilates class a few times a week.

Hitting drills

Effective hitting comes down to timing (as you match your speed to the person you’re trying to hit), weight transfer, and the ability to get your foot in front of the person you’re hitting.  You can’t practice your timing without someone to hit, but you can practice the other mechanics.  

To work on weight transfer, put on your skates and stand next to a wall.  Work on picking up the leg closest to the wall, thereby transferring all your weight to the other leg, then bump the wall with your hip.  Not only will this exercise help you get used to being on one leg as you go in for the block, bumping the wall will also help you learn how to gauge how close you need to be to the skater you’re trying to hit. (Hint: Closer than you think. You’ll notice that the further you are from the wall, the less stable you are as you lean over to bump it with your hip.)

To work on getting your leg in front, repeat the exercise above but use a chair or stool rather than the wall.  Work on picking up your foot and putting it down in front of the chair or stool with your toe pointed in the direction your body would be moving to follow the hit. Then rebalance your weight onto both feet which, in real life, will keep you from following the block out of bounds or will allow you to dig in for the push that follows your hit.

Remember to practice on both sides to stay balanced and strengthen that weak side!  And if you’re having trouble opening your hips, try these stretches.

On-Skates drills

If you’ve got three feet of floor space, you can do cone drills.  You don’t even need cones.  Just throw down a couple pairs of shoes and practice using those edges.

Old School Derby Workout

I was in terrible shape when I decided to learn how to skate in the hopes of making it onto a roller derby team. Such terrible shape that I was embarrassed to put my struggle on display in public at a gym.  The first step I took to start getting into shape was to order the Roller Derby Workout video and do it three times a week.  It may seem quaint now, and if your fitness level is beyond what mine was, you might not find it enough of a challenge, but if you really are starting from scratch, I recommend you find a copy of this oldie-but-goodie and give it a try. 

Do you have other at-home practice ideas?  Share them in the comments!

Equipment Basics: Buying New Skates

by Bughouse Cuckoo

When buying new skates you must break down the skate into its different components:

  • boot
  • plate
  • wheels
  • bearings

There are a number of questions to consider for each component.  Do your research online and talk to other skaters, especially those with similar skating styles, to find out what works for them.


What kind of boot are you looking for: vinyl, leather, vegan? Do your feet have any special needs: wide, narrow, split widths, high arches? Features: Do you want a clinch strap across the ankle or a roller collar? Fun details: Do you want a custom color or want the inside of the tongue to be lambskin or thicker material? What is your budget?


Material: Nylon or aluminum? (Some metal plates are lighter/heavier than others).  Check reviews!  Trucks: Single action, double action trucks, what is the angle of the trucks? Axles: 7mm or 8mm? Again, what is your price limit?


What kind of wheels you choose depends on the surface you will be skating on. A general rule is that the grippier the skating surface, the harder the wheel durometer. Ask skaters what they recommend or what has worked for them in terms of both durometer and brand. See if you can you borrow a pair at practice to try them out. 


When picking bearings, you have to buy the correct size for your axle (7mm or 8mm). If you have 7mm axles but 8mm bearings, there are 7mm axle ‘sleeves’ you can buy for under $10. There are different kinds of bearings and different materials and brands from $20-100. 


Are you going to buy your skate parts separate and have them mounted?   If you are getting them mounted…standard or specialty?  Are you getting a forward mount?  Are your plates smaller than the boot?  Decisions are all yours.

Best for New Skaters

Go for a starter skate like R3 or Rocks.  You don't want your skates to control your feet but have your feet control your skates. The higher end skates are more responsive to minor shifts in weight and are difficult to control for a new skater.

Slam Andreas Aims to Shake Things Up at Brandies

PRG’s travel team, Slam Andreas, heads to Greely, Colorado this weekend for the Brandies tournament, hosted by the Slaughterhouse Derby Girls.

I recently caught up with travel team captains Claw Breakher, Celia Fate and Pax Punches to learn about their hopes for the season.

Pax Punches is a five-year travel team veteran who says she is looking forward to having fun and working hard this season. Drilling a small number of go-to strategies is a high priority under her leadership.

Celia Fate is a new addition to the travel team, who is already making her mark. She says the heightened level of game play and strategy required to play against other leagues, as well as the opportunity to meet new skaters and volunteers are the best parts of travel team so far, and she’s excited to be one of several skaters making their travel team debuts this season.

Rounding out the trio, with three years of travel team experience, Claw Breakher stressed the importance of building trust and spending time together both on and off the track to build team cohesion, especially with several new skaters in the mix. She also noted, with a shout-out to PRG’s training committee, how quickly new skaters advance their skills these days.

Want to see Slam Andreas play closer to home? Sign up for our newsletter for bout details and other news.

You Passed Your Minimum Skills! Now What?

Congratulations, you passed your WFTDA minimum skills! Now you find yourself skating at league practices alongside skaters who have, in some cases, been doing this for years. Some of these skaters can seemingly knock you down with the slightest flick of a hip, and now you might be wondering what you’ve gotten yourself into. Don’t worry, this is totally normal. It may not feel like it just yet, but it’s only a matter of time before you, too, are effortlessly knocking people over and performing other exciting feats of agility and awesomeness on the track. Here are some things you can do to speed up your progress as a new skater.

What are your derby goals?

Passing your minimum skills is a big milestone, but it’s really just the beginning of your derby journey. You may have been so focused on getting to this point, you haven’t given much thought to what you want out of the rest of your roller derby career. Take some time to think about what’s most important to you. Do you want to meet new people and have fun? Do you want to make the travel team eventually? Your goals may change over time, but asking yourself these questions now can help you set priorities and make the most of whatever time you have available in your schedule for derby. 

Go to practice.

This advice may seem obvious, but everyone has a life outside of derby, and it’s not always easy to make it to practice. Consistent attendance is the single biggest variable driving improvement in new skaters. Set an attendance goal. In my first two years of skating, my monthly attendance goal was 100%. I didn’t always make it, but setting that expectation for myself made the difference many nights between working late or getting to practice. Not everyone can commit to a goal that ambitious, but take a look at your schedule and figure out what’s realistic given your other commitments and your derby goals. Then hold yourself accountable.

Cross train.

It’s tempting to want to be on skates all the time when you’re new. And who has time to cross train when you’re focused on hitting that ambitious attendance goal you’ve set for yourself? You need to make time. The right cross training will help prevent injuries, build your stamina for blocking and jamming, improve your balance and agility, make you harder to knock down, and make you faster than you ever dreamed. (I shaved a full 30 seconds off my 27 in 5 time after I took up powerlifting!) Not sure how to get started? Look for more about that in a future post. 

Keep working on the basics.

Even if you go to practice regularly, you’ll probably need to spend more time on your own perfecting the basics. Sure, you passed your minimum skills, but can you consistently perform all of those skills at a moderate, or even fast pace? Can you do them equally well on your weak side? You don’t need much space to work on these basic skills. Find a park, a parking lot or a hardwood floor and practice on your own time. Some of my skater friends used to brag about doing their housework on skates. Give it a try (unless you have downstairs neighbors).

Watch and listen to high level derby.

One of the best ways to develop your understanding of rules and strategy is to watch and listen to high level derby. Check out the archives on and focus not just on the skating, but also on the announcers. They know a lot about derby, and you can learn from hearing them explain what’s going on.

 Study the rules.

Speaking of the rules, read them, study them, learn them. I know it’s boring, but you won’t regret it. And you’ll spend a lot less time in the penalty box.

Have fun!

Roller derby is a demanding sport. It takes a lot out of you physically and mentally, and it can suck up every minute of free time in your schedule if you let it. Don’t let your enthusiasm as a new skater lead you down a road to burnout. Keep your goals and priorities in mind, but always remember derby is supposed to be fun. Savor every friendship you make, every victory lap you skate, every autograph you sign—yes, it will happen. There are a lot of people who only dream about doing what you get to do out there on the track. Never forget that. 

Getting Our Bearings at Maker Faire

PRG skaters and volunteers at Maker Faire

PRG skaters and volunteers at Maker Faire

When I decided to become a roller derby skater, I thought I knew what I was getting into. I had mentally prepared for all the falling and hitting and the dreaded time trial required as part of the WFTDA’s minimum skills assessment. There was one thing I didn’t think to prepare for, however: Crafting.

There’s a surprising amount of crafting required in roller derby. MVP trophies. Team spirit awards. Some leagues even sell skater-made crafts at their bouts. Although the crafting angle hadn’t occurred to me, it’s actually not surprising when you consider roller derby’s DIY roots. After Sassy magazine went under and we got tired of publishing zines, the women of my generation had to find something else productive to do. Why not invent a new model of feminist athletic enterprise?

Last weekend, PRG went to Maker Faire, where we staffed a booth and helped out with safety patrol. Staffing a roller derby booth usually involves chatting with fans and potential skaters about how the sport has changed since 1970, exactly how much contact is allowed—no, you can’t throw any elbows—and where to catch our next bout. While the Maker Faire crowd was interested in all of those things, there was one other surprising thing that kept attracting folks to our table: Bearings.

We were selling necklaces made from the bearings we use in our skate wheels, thoughtfully crafted by a league volunteer. I lost count of the number of people who stopped at our table to check out those bearings. It makes perfect sense, though, since the maker movement is all about fabricating cool stuff. 

Some of the folks who stopped to chat were surprised to find a roller derby team at Maker Faire, but I think it’s fascinating to see how both movements express that DIY ethos. From fire-breathing robots at Maker Faire to strong, confident athletes on the track, it’s amazing what we can create when we put our minds to it.

First Bout Feelings

The first time I saw roller derby, I came home and wrote in my journal: I totally want to be a derby skater now.  Of course, I don’t know how to skate.  But I figure I could probably learn.  Especially if it meant I got to wear a pair of booty shorts with ruffles and beat up on other women.

Three years later, I finally skated in my first bout.  I remember hearing my derby name announced for the first time, lining up beside my teammates for my first jam, getting knocked down A LOT, and high-fiving the fans who lined the track at the end of the bout.  It was amazing.

Six adult skaters and four juniors made their roller derby debut at PRG’s March 31st season opener.  I asked adult skaters Sweet N Low, V. Va and Shurblock Holmes and junior skaters Star Burst and Slamster to share what led them to derby and how it felt to bout for the first time.

Surly: Why did you decide to play roller derby?

V. Va: I watched a bout at the old [Redwood City] rink.

Shurblock Holmes: I saw a bout in San Diego and totally fell in love.  I’m pretty nerdy and “normal,” and the incredibly cool, empowered, kick butt derby women were like nothing I’d ever seen.

Star Burst: I was kind of inspired because of the book, Roller Girl

Former junior skater Ultra Violence made her adult derby debut at PRG's season opener.  Photo: M.F. Schick Photography

Former junior skater Ultra Violence made her adult derby debut at PRG's season opener.  Photo: M.F. Schick Photography

Slamster: I love rollerskating and hate most sports and I saw a flyer at the roller rink that was advertising the team so I decided to join.

Sweet N Low: I decided to play because I wanted to reignite my passion for life.  I wanted to exercise, become more mentally present and surround myself with positive people.  I was tired of just barely showing up for myself every day.

Surly: What was your favorite moment from the bout?

V. Va: Everyone was so supportive! I was pretty anxious through the whole bout, and everyone was reassuring and gave great directions.  There was one time when I was waiting at the jammer line, and Claw (who was not even on my team) told me I was doing great.

Shurblock Holmes: I hit one of the more experienced skaters out!

Slamster: When we got to high five at the end.

Surly: What is one thing you learned in your first bout?

Star Burst: It is important to be aware of your surroundings because you don’t know if somebody is coming behind you.

Sweet N Low: Everyone on your team has your back.  You can talk and ask questions, allow yourself to be pushed and pulled around and, ultimately, if the jammer got by you, it was okay.  It’s not only on you to hold the jammer.  There’s a team you can count on, and it’s a team responsibility.

By the time I skated in my first bout, I had realized that the booty shorts were just the icing on the cake.  There is so much sweat and pain that goes into roller derby.  The endurance laps.  The endless squats and planks and pushups and plyometrics.  The slightly terrifying feel and sound your spine makes when it readjusts itself after an extra hard hit.  And there is so much love that goes into it, too.  The ridiculous things we do on skates would seem impossible if we didn’t love this sport—and each other—so much.  Like Sweet N Low said, there’s a team you can count on to have your back. 

ANYONE can play Roller Derby but Roller Derby is not for EVERYONE

So you have discovered Roller Derby. You are excited, full of energy and have a lot to learn. Most leagues have a program for those new to roller derby to teach new skaters the WFDTA minimum skills. But you have just learned about roller derby and, depending on the league’s structure, you may have to wait for the next session of their “freshmeat” to begin.  

Check Facebook and/or email the league recruitment to find out about their process for incoming skaters (bootcamp/clinic/try-outs) and ask for advice/recommendations on gear. You may want to go out a buy and get a pair of really great skates- DON’T!!! Buy some starter skates (starting price is usually $100-150). They are basic. More expensive the skates have better components- many the plates. These will be more responsive to the shifting of your weight and will require greater control. While you are learning minimum skills you want your feet to be in control of your skates not your skates in control of you.  When you feel confident skating that is when you can start dreaming of new skates.  The most inexpensive way to upgrade starter skates is to replace the bushings or cushions with medium. This will make a huge difference and make weaving easier on your ankles.

Ask other skater on the league what kind of wheels they recommend. Every floor surface is different and certain wheels will be more suited. Surface + how much you weigh + skating confidence = what wheels will work best for you. If you want to work on skating skills outside look at outdoor wheels (78-84a)

DO NOT CHEAP OUT ON KNEE PADS! Take care of your knees. Ice them after practice even if they do not hurt. When you are new you will fall and practice falling more than other skaters. Find out if there are requirements on knee pads. Some league it does not matter but some require white caps. You want to know before you speed $70 on knee pads.

As you wait there are a few things you can do to give you a leg up that do not require any gear.

  1. CORE: work on strengthening your core. I’m not talking about doing crunches and/or sit-up every day. Find exercises to work your lats and lower back (side plank dips and super-mans are great but also planks which has a variety ways to hold) which crunches and sit-ups do not work. The strength of your core will affect your balance and your ability to absorb contact (hitting, pushing/driving, etc) and not fall
  2. BALANCE: all movement in derby can be broken down to shifting of your weight from one side to the other. Stride, crossovers, weaving, stopping, hitting, transitions are all fundamentally shifting weight. Work on balancing on one (1) leg. Aim for 30 seconds or more. Once that feels easy start balancing on one (1) leg with your eyes closed. Simplest way to practice this is when you are brushing your teeth or waiting for the microwave.  Apart from that practice standing with two (2) feet on the ground shifting your weight so that you are standing with your weight on the outside edge of your feet, the inside and then inside on one and outside on the other. Being actively aware of where your weight is an important skill to have and will make learning new skills that much easier throughout your derby career
  3. HIPS: Derby requires skaters to learn to open and close their hips. There are many ways to ways to open your hips. Simple stretches are frog (nicked named “dirty derby” sometimes) on the ground or standing with your feet wide and turned out as far as comfortable and lowering yourself down flat surface (front is against the surface. If you are feeling stress in your knees you are not turning from your hips. Lay in your back in the same position, letting the weight of your legs to open your hips.  Closing your hips is important for stopping (the many variations of plowing). Do a wall squat with feet pointed forward and hip width apart. Lift one leg. Keeping your weight on your grounding foot place the lifted leg down, leg straight, and foot turned in. DO NOT TRANSFER YOUR WEIGHT TO THIS LEG. Add pressure to the forward leg. You should feel yourself being pushed into the wall. Practice this on each side. The lower the squat the more this will help you later when you are no skates. Lower is always more stable…and if you fall there is less distance to fall.
  4. ARMS: Strategies used in playing roller derby changes and strong arms have increasingly become more important. Pushups (elbows out wide and elbows tucked in to your sides, triceps dips (on a bench or on ground-crap) and bear crawls (walking forward and backwards on your hands and feet). There are other that require weights if you want to go that way. 

There are routines that can be found online- videos and diagrams. If you are a yoga person- do sun salutations as slowly as you can hold each position for at least 10 seconds (lowering from plank to Chaturanga Dandasana as slowly as you can) and all the different warrior poses working up to 30-60 seconds. Roller Derby Athletics is another resource.  On my Bughouse blog I posted a 8 minute routine you can do when you get up (great way to start the day- patting yourself on the back for doing something) years ago. 

For more information on joining visit PRG University and mail
Join our Facebook page:  Potentials

Bughouse Cuckoo #67

Obstacourse: How we got our groove back in the off-season

Here we are entering the New Year, the time for taking stock of our lives and making resolutions for the year ahead. We think about what we can do to become the best versions of ourselves and how we can live life to the fullest. I feel that often adding a new workout regimen or joining a gym is part of these plans. 

The Peninsula Roller Girls took an early step towards said fitness goals by entering our off-season with Coach Keith & the rest of the crew at Obstacourse Gym in Redwood City. Coach Keith has been kicking our booties twice a week, making us stronger and helping us gain endurance through weekly off-skates workouts at Obstacourse. The changes are noticeable - both on the track and IRL.

“Be Positive. Have Fun. Challenge Yourself.” Those three sentences may well be some of the first answers derby a player would give when asked why they join the sport. They also happen to be Obstacourse's motto. The partnership with Obstacourse came at the best possible time for the league. We feel extremely fortunate to have met Keith and Candice during one of the hardest times in recent PRG memory and that they have welcomed us into their community with open arms. 

So what is Obstacourse? In short its a obstacourse style gym where you can train to be a Spartan, Ninja Warrior, or more recently, a Derby Skater. If you're not reach to tackle the course on your own quite yet they also have group workouts that are sweaty, intense, and most importantly, FUN. They offer Zumba classes too! Check out their website here.

The challenging and playful aspect that an Obstacle Course adds to what might otherwise be a boring, run-of-the-mill workout reminds us a lot like of the type of fun we have playing derby. And the circuit training we do as a league is a great way to build camaraderie and push both individual skaters and the league as a whole. For you data nuts out there, this stat says it all: PRG averages 40 high fives given during an Obstacourse workout. True story.

Obstacles are for kids too! Obstacourse has also welcomed our junior derby team and they're loving it. My own kids (who are junior derby skaters) ask to go every Saturday. One of the best parts as a busy derby mom is that you can drop the kids off! A two hour Obstacourse session for the kids means a peaceful dinner for me. 

All of this awesomeness will translate to a really great derby season in 2018 - with skaters who are in really good shape and able to do cool stuff. We can’t wait for our first scrimmage and bout of the year to show off how much stronger we've become. And if you're in Redwood City on a Monday night and want to work out with some derby girls, swing by Obstacourse for their 7pm class <3.

-Pax Punches

The Peninsula Roller Girls <3 the City of Millbrae

TLDR; The Peninsula Roller Girls are bringing roller derby to Millbrae and we couldn’t be more excited!

As many of you know, the Peninsula Roller Girls lost our home of 6 years – the Redwood Roller Rink – this September, just before our final bout of the season. We’ve been fortunate to have found love and support from some of the local businesses in Redwood City (we’re lookin’ at you, ObstaCourse and SportsHouse!), but we’ve been having trouble finding the right space to use as our permanent venue for on-skates practices.

Two nights ago, the league attended the Millbrae Parks and Recreation Council meeting, to speak to them about the possibility of using the isolated single tennis court on Lincoln Circle. We got the opportunity to witness local governance in action – and it was AMAZING! 

From the moment we met them, it was clear that Millbrae’s Parks and Recreation council cares deeply about the community it serves. Since the loss of the Millbrae Community Center to a terrible fire in 2016, the council has been looking for ways to continue offering recreational opportunities to community members, with reduced facilities.

As many of you are aware, PRG has a thriving junior derby program, in addition to our boot camps, and adult league. We believe strongly in the power of roller skates to bring together people of all ages for learning, growth, empowerment, and – most importantly – fun. We saw a strong match with the Parks & Rec Council’s goals and we’re overjoyed that they felt the same. 

We’re beginning our relationship with the community of Millbrae on a trial basis. PRG will start by taking steps to light and soundproof the tennis courts in a way that will allow us to practice without disturbing the neighborhood. We will then hold practices there for the month of January, before returning to reevaluate the partnership with the Parks & Rec Council.

We can’t iterate enough how grateful we are to Millbrae’s Parks & Rec Council for giving us the chance to show them how derby can bring a community together. And if you’ve been on the fence about trying it out, maybe because Redwood City was a touch too far away, now is the perfect opportunity to get involved!.


We’ll leave you with a few words from our skaters:

Perhaps Leslie Knope taught me to romanticize local governance and sisterhood in Parks & Rec-related activities, but when Julie Turner closed her motion with “Roll On!” I knew we’d found a great community to call home. It was exciting to watch local governance in action - and to watch our juniors watch local governance in action - and when they said yes I really felt like I was part of something special. Thanks Millbrae!
— Killer Time
This was a very special night for everyone, but a few of us seasoned vets got emotional. A new home, a new chapter, and an opportunity to keep this incredible league going strong. We’re excited about our new community!
— Sheracuda 
I’m quite literally thrilled at our hopeful future as a part of the Millbrae community! As we discussed the pilot program during the meeting, it was evident that the council has the best interests of Millbrae at heart—and that they believe in Peninsula Roller Girls’ potential as a positive influence. I’m so thankful that PRG has been given this opportunity, and look forward to our league collaborating with the City of Millbrae to creating an empowering space for the community!
— Betty Gesserit
It was amazing to see the PRG family come out in force to represent our league. It was a physical representation of how much roller derby means us, and the community we can bring to Millbrae. I’m very much looking forward to this partnership with the Millbrae community!
— Captain Painway

A letter to our fans...

A letter to our fans...

It’s with a heavy heart that we announce that our home, Redwood Roller Rink, is shutting its doors on September 30th, 2017. We would like to thank Jim and Suzie for all their hard work to keep the rink open all these years. We especially would like to thank Suzie for keeping up Jim’s legacy through the rink after his passing.

Though this is sad news, PRG is just getting started. As a group of strong, confident, and passionate skaters, we will find a new place to call home. That being said, we are looking for leads in a new space! Please email any ideas you might have to

Who are we!? PRG!!

So you want to watch some roller derby...

Welcome, friends and family of derby skaters, refs, NSOs, and fans! We put together this FAQ for anyone who wants to come to their first bout, but also wants to know what the frick is happening (don't worry; we've all been there).

Photo by M. F. Shick

Photo by M. F. Shick

Q: What is Roller Derby??

A: Roller derby is a full contact sport, rostered by a diverse group of people of all ages, shapes, sizes, sexual orientations, and genders. Its all about expressing individuality and finding your inner strengths!

Q: That sounds awesome! but what are the rules? How is it played?

A: Each team fields the track with up to 5 players - 4 blockers and 1 jammer. The goal is to get your jammer through the pack of blockers and stop the other jammer from scoring points. For every person on the other team that the jammer passes, they score 1 point. Here is a Roller Derby 101 Video if you're more of a visual learner.

Q: OMG I'm in! How much does it cost?

A: YAY! Depends on when you'd like to enter the rink and if you want to pre-purchase your tickets online or wait until the day of...

  • Kids Ticket (ages 7-12): $6 online / $8 at the door
  • GA Ticket (7:00 entry): $10 online / $12 at the door
  • VIP Ticket (6:30 entry): $15 online / $17 at the door

Q: Great! Where are your bouts?

A: Most of our home bouts are at Redwood Roller Rink, a super retro roller rink located at 1303 Main Street in Redwood City, nestled between the dog park and a car wash.


Q: What time should I arrive?

A: As of our 2017 season, our doors open for VIP entry at 6:30. VIP is a few dollars more and gives you an opportunity to stake out a good spot to watch from! If you don't want to splurge on VIP entry the GA doors open at 7:00. The bout starts at 8:00pm. 

Q: What should I bring?

A: Things to bring:

  • A good attitude
  • Some face paint
  • Some rally gear
  • Some cash if you want to buy raffle tickets
  • Your ID if you want to drink

If you need a place to sit you can bring a beach/tailgating/camping chair or get to the bout early enough that you can snag one of the foldout chairs or a spot on the bleachers. Some of the best views are actually in standing sections, though, so don't stress about seating. 

Q: Is there food/alcohol?

A: Hell yes! Beer, wine and and snacks for purchase inside the rink. We also have a food truck parked outside if you want something more substantial! Oh, Kara's Cupcakes slings her sweet #nomz-worthy desserts in the rink as well. No outside food (except from the food truck) will be allowed in the rink.

Q: Do you have team colors?

A: The Psychopathogens are olive green and red. Damas De Los Muertos are teal and black. Check out the roster, pick your favorite derby player and dress accordingly <3.

Photo by David P Discher

Photo by David P Discher

Photo by David P Discher

Photo by David P Discher

Q: Oh no! I have nothing to wear in my favorite team's colors!!!

A: Chill, we've got you covered! Swing by our awesome merch table and pick up some swag <3

Q: How do you come up with your alter-ego derby names?

A: Every player has their own unique story... feel free to ask them about it after the game if you're curious!

Q: Is there a lot of violence?

A: Its actually less "violent" than it is "aggressive". Its def a full contact sport. Players--including your favorite derby player--will be hit off the track. They will have the wind knocked out of them. They will come away from the bout with bruises. But no one is punching each other in the face or doing anything unsportsmanlike. But don't worry--we are stronger and tougher than we think we are. 

Q: What are we doing after?

We like how you think, friend! There is a Peninsula Roller Girls after party right across the street at Main + Elm. Everyone is welcome to join!

Ready to become a derby fan? Check out our full schedule here! Have additional questions you need answered to feel prepped and ready to attend your first bout? Ask them in the comments below!

PRG Goes To Colorado! (With Your Help)

Think Colorado is a pretty cool place? Well, it's about to get even cooler as the Peninsula Roller Girls travel team, Slam Andreas, travels to Greeley, CO for the 2nd Annual Brandies Tournament on May 6th and 7th, hosted by the Slaughterhouse Derby Girls. We will be playing West Texas Roller Derby on Saturday at 3 PM, Slaughterhouse Derby Girls on Saturday at 6:30 PM, and Castle Rock  'n' Rollers on Sunday at 12 PM on the aptly named "Kill Floor". 

According to WFTDA, Castle Rock is ranked 310, West Texas and Slaughterhouse sit right next to each other at 280 and 279 respectively, and, after an impressive jump of 36 places, PRG sits at our all time highest ranking, 238. This rise in the rankings comes after three seasons of hard work as a WFTDA member league under the careful guidance of Coach Brigid Fitch. In other words: we've been stepping our game way, way up. 

This will be Slam Andreas' second tournament of the 2017 season, following the Dustbowl Invitational in Bakersfield, California, where we skated against Central Coast Roller Derby, ranked 267, and Charlotte Roller Girls, ranked 163.

Following the Dustbowl, Slam Andreas has identified key areas of improvement and have been working hard with Coach Fitch to grow as a team. We're ready to bring the pain. And have fun, too, of course. But also, kick ass. 

To help raise funds for the trip, PRG is selling a t-shirt/tank top, available here. The shirt features beautiful artwork by Slam Andreas skater Betty Gesserit. The phrase it bears, "Strength, Unity, Focus," comes directly from a mantra by skater Reapercussion, which Slam Andreas has adopted as perhaps the zen-est team cheer you've ever heard.

And we're not the only ones who think the shirt is awesome; CustomInk chose it as their Ink of the Week for the last week of April. The beauty can be yours for just $25, to have and to hold from approximately 3 weeks from now forward. 

So whether it's buying the Booster shirt, hauling your butt over to Colorado to cheer us on, or simply sending words of encouragement via any of the social medias (or your mouth), we hope for and appreciate your continued support of PRG as we work our way to the metaphorical top! Go Slam Andreas!

PRG Has A Blog!

That’s right PRG friends, family, and skaters! Peninsula Roller Girls—everyone’s favorite derby league this side of Redwood City—has a blog.  We’ll be writing on a variety of your favorite topics here for your viewing pleasure. For example: game day make up. Do you know how to do it? Find out the best color combos and smear proof makeup brands to last you all four quarters! Also: gear. Wheels, trucks, boots, plates, and what the hell is a bushing? Also also: bruises. What’s up with those?

Okay, you get it… We’ll be covering a lot of stuff. We’ll be getting into the nitty gritty of nutrition, recovering from hard hits, and the all-important task of foam rolling. From videos to infographics and everything in between, PRG’s blog will be a hub for all things derby. You heard us. All. Things. Derby.

PRG is going into its 7th year as a league (whoa, how’d that happen so fast?) and we are ready to kick butt and answer some of the most frequently asked questions we hear at our bouts, during practices, or whenever we’re walking down the street in our sweet swag. Have a question about derby or our league? Ask it in the comment box below.  We’ll do our best to answer questions in a timely manner and with a pithy quip or two.

Oh, and we more than encourage you to get involved. Are you a fan with a strong opinion on what it’s like to watch roller derby these days? Are you a family member with thoughts on the experience of having a loved one entangled in derby? Are you a retired skater looking for a place to pontificate on life after derby? Reach out and let us know. We’d be happy to feature you on the blog!

Who are we? PRG! All of us.