

Equipment: Luigino Vertigo Q-4 boots, Revenge plates, 93A Atom G-Rod wheels, Bionic Bigfoot toe stops, TSG knee pads (because it's like having Tempur-Pedic mattresses on your knees), SISU mouth guard (white, it looks better in pictures 😃), S1 Lifer helmet (dark green for day-to-day, and maroon for travel team).

Story behind your derby name and number: T is for me. M.A.G. are my brother's initials. He passed away in 2008. He believed in living life to its fullest and finding what makes you happy. ★395 is my other brother's SFPD badge number. I wear it to honor & thank him for the job he does.

Position: Blocker

Height: 5'2"

Love: The physical and mental challenge it provides. The AMAZING women I have met.

Love less: Sometimes people don't see eye to eye. Lots of strong personalities clash at times.

Derby mantra: Stick with a buddy. Follow through with the hit. Get low. Challenge yourself.

Derby theme song: Pat Benatar, "Hit Me with Your Best Shot"

Derby hero: Carmen Getsome.